Sunday, October 30, 2022

When I served as a consultant at the Indiana Department of Education, I had opportunities to facilitate retreats with teachers and administrators. One of the connecting activities we sometimes did, early on, is called “Build a Better Bathtub”. In smaller teams, each group would have the task of designing a better bathtub. As none of the educators were bathtub manufactures, they easily embraced many different, creative and even radical ideas. It was an opportunity to envision something new and flex our visioning muscles. This helped pave the way for more important, and sometimes challenging, conversations ahead.

The scripture readings for this Sunday invite us challenge ourselves and envision, in new ways, what it might mean for us to “Put Faith Into Action.” Visioning moves us out of our comfort zones, and may open to us new possibilities of ways we may be called to live as Jesus’ disciples in the world today.

We will be guided by two scripture readings. The first is from the Hebrew scriptures (based on Habakkuk 2:1-3), which will be read by Charlie Nelms. The Gospel passage tells the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus (based on Luke 19:1-10) and will be read by Mark Cox. The sermon title is “Putting Faith Into Action: Expanding our Vision”.

On Sunday, we will also share a Children’s Moment, pray and reflect, and sing hymns accompanied by Ilze Akerbergs. The Chancel Choir will lead us in music. Reverend Peggy Good Hoyle will offer our Pastoral Prayer. Charlie Nelms will share a Stewardship Moment.

To connect to our livestream worship Sunday morning,

click the link on our website

The service starts at 10:30am. Livestream starts at 10:25am.