Grow with us!
The youth at St. Mark’s are a welcoming and diverse community of 7th through 12th graders. We connect to our community and our faith through service projects, faith-based learning, participation in worship leadership, and opportunities for fellowship through plain old fun!
Why youth group?
Being a part of youth group helps young Christians with the challenges they from day to day, nurtures the individual gifts they bring to our community, and brings teens closer to God and to other teens.
Youth Sunday School
The Youth meet Sunday mornings following the Children’s Moment in Sanctuary worship at 10:30am.
Youth Group
Our welcoming, inclusive youth group and special events have included trips to a pumpkin patch and maze, lock-ins, horseback riding, service projects in the community, visits to other faith communities, cooking for the Interfaith Winter Shelter, volunteering at Vacation Bible School, and more.
All 7th—9th graders (and older youth who have not been confirmed) are invited to be part of the confirmation process. Contact Mary Beth Morgan for more information.