Sunday, November 6, 2022

Clarence Darrow, who in 1925 famously defended in court a Tennessee teacher who had taught Darwin’s evolutionary theory, once testified before congress. He sardonically said, “I’ve never killed anyone, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.”

As aggressive as Darrow’s statement sounds, it is actually possible to read obituary notices with deep satisfaction. Some are so well written, and some lives so well lived, that these eulogies virtually “sing”. They call to us with the invitation to remember the passion, the creativity, the humility, and the love of those that we are remembering. To deeply recall a life which embraced those virtues, and more, changes who we are, and what we believe about our world.

Sunday at St. Mark’s, we will commemorate All Saint’s Day, a time to remember both those members of the St. Mark’s community we have lost this past year, and those we lovingly remember, whenever we lost them. In the deeper understanding of faith and community, all are saints, which means “holy ones”. All bring their gifts to the world, and all share in the larger story of the life of faith.

The sermon this Sunday is titled “A Call to Remember How to Praise,” arising from Matthew 5: 1-12. The sermon title recalls the line in the hymn, “Rejoice in God’s Saints”, which reads, “A world without saints forgets how to praise.” During the service, we will recite the names of those in the St. Mark’s community whom we have this past year, and light a candle in their memory. We’ll also invite all present to come forward and light a candle in honor of anyone they are remembering. Also during the service the choir, accompanied by Ilze Akerbergs, will present selections from Gabriel Faure’s Requiem. Jenna Kuchar and Patrick Conklin will present solos. There will be a moment for children, prayers, and hymns.

If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for a long time, a short time, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with those of you here in-person or joining on the livestream.