Ways to support those affected by Hurricane Dorian

The impact and devastation caused by Hurricane Dorian is still unfolding. The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is responding to the destruction and overwhelming needs in the Bahamas and US states affected.

It will take a long and sustained effort for all of these areas fully recover. The most immediate way we can help is through financial assistance. If you can donate, checks can be made out to “St. Mark's” and put in the offering plate or sent to the church office. Please put in the memo “Disaster Relief-U.S.” to assist in U.S. states OR “Disaster Relief- International” to assist those in the Bahamas. 100% of all money donated will go directly to the children, women and men most in need.

To get continuing updates of the work of UMCOR, and ways to give online, go to www.umcor.org. Pray for those who are in great need, as well as the early response teams, including countless volunteers.