Miriam Wright Edelman, founder and president emerita of the Children’s Defense Fund, reminds us that sacred texts and teachings, across faith traditions, call us to care for and to protect children, and to address their most urgent needs, This Sunday, we observe Children’s Sabbath and are encouraged, again, to embrace that call. We also celebrate the gifts children bring to our lives, how they teach and guide us, and ways they bless the world and all who live upon it.
Edelman was inspired by Rev. James Forbes Jr., who had been the senior minister emerita at Riverside Church in New York City. Forbes described an old tradition in the church, where he grew up, called a “Cradle Roll”. Any child born to anyone in that church community immediately got their name placed on the Cradle Roll. He said it was the faith community’s way of acknowledging that “these children had been entrusted to our care.” Dr. Forbes called on all people of faith to reinstate a community-wide “Cradle Roll” for all children.
We will reflect on what this might mean for us in worship on Sunday. We will also share a Children’s Moment (with our new Children’s Ministries Director, Madison Sinan, and her trumpet), pray and reflect, and sing hymns. The Chancel Choir, directed by Gerry Sousa and accompanied by Lois Leong, will lead us in music. The Bell Choir, directed by Lois Leong, will also share a piece. Children and youth will be a part of worship leadership. This will include leading our Call to Worship, Gathering Prayer and sharing our First Scripture reading (based on Jeremiah 29:11), and our Gospel reading, based on Mark 9:33-37. They may also serve as acolytes and other roles, as well. The sermon is titled “Unleashing Joy and a Future of Hope”.
(After worship, all are welcome to come to a light reception, in Garton Hall, to welcome Madison Sinan, in her new role as Director of Children’s Ministries.)
If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for a long time, a short time, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with those of you here in-person or joining on the livestream.
To connect to our livestream worship Sunday morning,
click the link on our website www.smumc.church.
The service starts at 10:30am. Livestream starts at 10:25am.