Sunday, September 29, 2019

Numbering Our Days: the Stewardship of Time

Rev. Jimmy Moore, preaching
Psalm 90

“My, how time flies.” “The clock is not moving” We say both…how can both be true? I remember a time when my daughter was very young that she had a series of ear infections. They kept her so uncomfortable that she could barely sleep. We spent more than a few nights with a pillow and a blanket on the floor hoping that the pain would stop. It seemed as thought the clock just stopped moving; it seemed as though those nights would never end. But when, years later, sitting in a large assembly when she graduated from high school, it was as though we had gotten there in a flash. How can both things, a clock that won’t move and moments that speed by, be true. What is time, and how can we be good stewards of it?

In the 90th Psalm, we read the following, “Lord, so teach us to number our days that we may present to you a heart of wisdom.” Reflecting on the both the history of the People of God, and on the quickness with which life can fly by, the psalmist writes, “For a thousand years in you sight are like yesterday when it is past or like a watch in the night.” That is, time, at least from one perspective is fleeting. So how do we regard time? What if we view it as a sacred gift, presented to us to savor the blessings in it, and to fill with blessing even during challenging days?

In a world in which we are tempted to live at hyper speed, how may we slow the clock to value the gift we are given? The sermon for Sunday morning is titled, “Numbering Our Days: The Stewardship of Time,” arising from Psalm 90. The Sanctuary Choir will lead us in music. We hope to see you this Sunday.