Sunday October 4, 2020

Eighteenth Sunday of Pentecost
Rev. Mary Beth Morgan, preaching
Stronger Together: Planting Seeds of Grance and Community by Saying “Yes”
Galatians 6:1-6, 9-10

As I write this, there is creativity and joy under a set of open canopy tents on the church lawn. Six “family units” (a parent, guardian or caregiver with a child/children) are safely socially distanced in defined areas. Wonderful teachers, from our Nursery School & Kindergarten’s Connect Program, are leading them in activities. They are safely engaging in their family units, while still being “connected” with everyone present. There is excitement, discovery, wonder and care for each other.

This month we are focusing on stewardship, with the theme Stronger Together. On this World Communion Sunday, we will spend some time in worship reflecting on the letter that the Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians. In the Message translation, it begins with the invitation “Live creatively, friends.” (6:1) Stewardship invites us to share our resources, and the gifts and talents we all have to share. This time of pandemic calls us to live creatively, and discover new ways to live God’s call to us. Paul reminds us to reach out to those who are oppressed, share each others burdens, not tire of doing good, and to work for the benefit of all people. Often, opportunities to embrace these are right in front of us. When we say “yes”, we may be planting seeds of grace that become deeply rooted and make us stronger together.

Our time of worship will include inspiring music from our singers and organist, Nara Lee, a children’s moment, prayer and reflection, reading of the scripture passage from Hyun Kwon and Yena Park (in Korean and English), a Stewardship Moment from Kevin Theile, and the celebration of Holy Communion. You are invited to have bread and juice, or other items, on hand. The sermon is titled Stronger Together: Planting Seeds of Grace and Community by Saying “Yes”.

If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for decades, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with you on the livestream at 10:30 am.