Sunday, November 17, 2019 — St Mark's United Methodist Church

Sunday, November 17, 2019

A Community of Shepherds

Rev. Jimmy Moore, preaching
Jeremiah 23:1-6

In our local social media scene, there is a Facebook page for folks whose pets have gone missing. Most who initiate posts there are understandably distraught. Many of us have pets who are absconders, who when given the opportunity will run from us like Harrison Ford ran from Tommy Lee Jones in “The Fugitive.” And there are times when the Facebook community of friends actually helps find the little runaways. But whether that happens or not, it is pretty clear that the distraught owner feels a great deal of care coming from the community of fellow animal lovers. It really is good to not be alone when you are reaching out in care and love.

A common metaphor for that care in the Scriptures is “shepherd”. Often it is God who is the shepherd as we read in the very well-known Twenty Third Psalm. And in the Christian Scriptures, in Luke, Jesus speaks of the shepherd who goes in search of the one lost sheep ... the absconder. In the Gospel of John, Jesus likens himself to the Good Shepherd, whose care for the sheep includes a protective love for them entails taking risks. And in Jeremiah 23, the “weeping prophet” who is speaking to those going into exile laments the faithless “shepherds” (leaders) who have divided and abandoned the people of God. Jeremiah promises that God will raise up shepherds who will truly care for the sheep.

In short, this is true: it is not only God who shepherds, nor a few select leaders. We are all called to be shepherds and as a community, to organize around the shepherding love for all of God’s people. The community of shepherds will not run from danger, nor abandon the flock to pursue greener personal pastures. It is not just the solitary soul who goes after lost and discouraged ones. The community of shepherds organizes itself to be welcoming, affirming, inspiring and brave.

 We’ll talk about this in worship at 10:30 on Sunday, as the sermon is titled “A Community of Shepherds”, arising from Jeremiah 23:1-6. The Chancel Choir, led by Gerry Sousa, will lead us in music. We will also celebrate Holy Communion. We’ll look forward to seeing you in worship on Sunday.
