Rev. Jimmy Moore, preaching
Exodus 3:1-15
Do you know some people who have made a difference in the world and in your life? If you do, who are they, and why did they have such an impact? If some of these folks are coming to mind, you will recognize that several things about them are likely true. They probably had fairly ‘normal’ lives in which they sought to make a living, have friends and/or family, and live honorably. At some point, they became convinced that the choices they made in their lives mattered, and whether from a sense of duty or delight or a combination of both, they made decisions that impacted other real human lives. What do these special ones and the calling they embraced teach the rest of us about our own callings?
In the third chapter of Exodus, we read of Moses shepherding in the mountains when he came upon a bush with a flame coming from its center. In this burning bush, Moses hears the voice of God calling to him to lead the people of God from their bondage in Egypt to a spacious and fertile land. For Moses, understandably, seeing a burning bush was a strange thing. But what was stranger still was that God was reaching out to him, with all of his inadequacies and failings, to undertake this great calling. Indeed, we often find ourselves not up to the challenges that God places before us in life.
We will work with this in a special way at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church this Sunday. On that date sixty years earlier, the Rev. Dr. Joe Emerson experienced his first Sunday as pastor of St. Mark’s. This Sunday, Joe will share with us some of his memories and reflections from those years. During his pastorate at St. Mark’s, the church experienced significant growth and built the sanctuary that is still the worship home of the congregation. And during those years, Joe went to Selma, Alabama during the tumultuous time of the Civil Rights Movement to march with Dr. King and many others who were seeking to encourage a more just society in our country and in that region. We really look forward to hearing what Joe has to share.
And in the spirit of this theme of calling, Jimmy Moore’s sermon is titled, “Strange Callings and Sacred Journeys”, arising from Exodus 3:1-15. The Chancel Choir, under the direction of Gerry Sousa, will lead us in worship. We look forward to a special time this Sunday at St. Mark’s.