Sunday November 1, 2020

Madeleine L’Engle’s poem “Lines After M.B.’s Funeral” includes these words:

“There’s a hole in the world . . . Let me look through this new empty space To where The wind comes from And the light begins.”

On this All Saints Sunday, we remember the saints who came before us, and those who journey with us now, who guide us in word and example of what it means to be blessed. Together, we spend some time with the Beatitudes from the Gospel of Matthew (5:1-12), in which Jesus reminds us that there are many ways to be blessed and to be a blessing. We are more than one story, or one snapshot in time. That is important for all of us to remember in this election week, as well.

In worship, we will read the names of those, from the St. Mark’s community, who have died in the past year, toll a bell and light a candle for each. In this unique year, as we gather virtually, it is just as important to have an opportunity to remember and honor other family members, loved ones and friends who have died since last November. Names you have sent us will be shared on the screen while candles are lit celebrating their lives and the gifts they brought to the world. You are also invited to light a candle in your home, in this time of remembrance, if you wish and it is safe to do so.

The lights of each of these saints who came before us do not go out. They teach us still by their examples of when they soared and when they stumbled, and guide us in how we might live in our every days, those that are ordinary and those that are anything but ordinary. Our time of worship will also include inspiring music (from our singers, organist, Nara Lee, and oboist, Rebecca McGuire), a children’s moment, prayer and reflection, and reading of the scripture passage and sharing from Anna and Dillon Cron. The sermon title is More than a Single Story. If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for decades, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with you on the Livestream at 10:30am on Sunday!