Sunday, March 9, 2025

In worship, a couple weeks back, we reflected a bit about the life, legacy and courage of Archbishop Desmond Tutu. This included his commitment to bring people together, especially during the fraught and turbulent times of apartheid. During this period, it was against the law for people with “white” skin color and those with “black” skin color to interact with one another. Punishment for breaking this law, or advocating against it, could be severe.

Nelson Mandela, who many years later became the first black President of South Africa, spent 27 years in prison. He was forced to spend 18 of those years breaking larger rocks into smaller ones, on Robbin Island. The glare from the white stone significantly damaged his sight. Mandela went into jail angry. Yet, while he was incarcerated, he became an instrument of good. Tutu writes. “Much of Mandela’s anger was replaced with forgiveness. In fact, Mandela invited his former jailer to be a VIP guest at his inauguration.”

As we gather together for worship, on this first Sunday of Lent, we will reflect upon what it might mean to come alive in times of struggle. How might we embrace what is true, brave and inspiring in our challenging times, as individuals, in our relationships, and in the current state of our country and world?

The scripture passages for this Sunday invite us to reflect on this, in our time, place and context. The first lesson arises from the Hebrew Scriptures (based on Psalm 91: 1-2, 9-16), and will be read by Eleanor Lahr. The second lesson, from the Gospels (based on Luke 4:1-13), will be read by Grace Hillman. Reverend Chuck Foster will offer our Pastoral Prayer.

In worship, we will first gather and greet one another. All children are invited to ring us into worship, with the bells. The Chancel Ringers, directed by Lois Leong, will offer our prelude this week. The Chancel Choir, directed by Gerry Sousa and accompanied by Ilze Akerbergs, will lead us in music. There will also be a Children’s Moment. We will pray and reflect. The sermon title is from a quote from Desmond Tutu, “Coming Alive in Times of Struggle, by Embracing what is True, Brave and Inspiring."

Remember this is Time Change Sunday; Spring Ahead!

To connect to our livestream worship Sunday morning, click the link on our website The service starts at 10:30am. Livestream starts at 10:25am.