The news reminds us that maintaining healthy relationships, with countries and people across the world, is complicated. This Sunday, at St. Mark’s, we are fortunate to lean into the experience of nurturing international friendships, one relationship at a time. We welcome our Operation Friendship (OF) youth and adult guests from France and Hungary, and look forward to learning from one other. The youth and families of St. Mark’s OF Chapter are hosting our new friends from Europe. Our youth will be hosted by others, as they travel abroad next summer.
Operation Friendship has a strong connection to St. Mark’s. It began in 1964 by Rev. Wallace A. Shaw, an American minister in Scotland, who was the brother of, longtime St. Mark’s member, the late Tully Shaw, and sister-in-law, Trudy Shaw who has been an active member of St. Mark’s for over 60 years. It was Rev. Shaw’s desire to develop a youth exchange enabling the youth of one country to learn the different cultures of other countries and develop friendships around the world. Youth and adults from St. Mark’s have been blessed to form deep friendships as part of these experiences, for over 50 years.
The scripture passage this week (based on Luke 10:38-42) shares a story of Jesus with some of his friends, sharing a meal, engaging in conversation, and spending unhurried time with one another. Jesus reminds us to welcome the stranger- who may become a new friend, to travel and sit at table with those we meet in new places, and to share sacred hospitality.
Our OF hosts and guests will be with us on Sunday, with a number participating in worship leadership. All are encouraged to greet our OF guests and hosts in Garton Hall, following worship, for a light reception. Contact Mary Beth Morgan is you can bring an item to share for the reception (no nuts or nut-products, please). OF Alumni are encouraged to stop by the table in Garton Hall and make a nametag. We will recognize you during worship.
After we gather and greet one another on Sunday morning, the children are invited to ring us into worship, with the bells. There will also be a Children’s Moment. The Chancel Choir, accompanied by Ilze Akerbergs, will be leading us in music. We will pray and reflect. One of our OF participants will read our scripture passage. The sermon is titled “The Grace and Possibilities of Friendship.”
If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for a long time, a short time, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with those of you here in-person or joining on the livestream.