Years ago, Madeleine L’Engle wrote a poem titled “The Risk of Birth, Christmas 1973”. She painted a picture of the time and context in which Jesus was born, in relationship to the time of Christmas in 1973. Twice she referenced a comet slashing the sky. Earlier in 1973, scientists predicted a stunning appearance of the “comet of the century” around Christmas. However, only a faint spot of the comet appeared, and it was deemed a spectacular disappointment by many.
The word Epiphany may first bring to our minds the story of the magi following a great star in the sky, which led them to Jesus. This Sunday, we are reminded that epiphanies are more often not spectacular, in that way. In the Gospel reading this week (Mark 1:14-20), Jesus was walking alongside the Sea of Galilee. In the course of his walk, he invites four fishermen (Simon, Andrew, James and John) to follow him. There wasn’t any fanfare, but something in them was moved, likely in a way they could not put into words.
Epiphanies of where God may be calling us to grow sometimes come to us when we least expect them, and may feel more intuitive. Yet, we find ourselves seeing or beginning to consider our relationships with God and one another in a new way. Like with the first disciples, there isn’t a flash in the sky that illuminates all we seek. We are invited to not ignore, but nurture epiphany moments in ourselves and in our communities, and help create the beloved community that is rooted in God’s perfect love.
In our time of worship, we will share inspiring music including hymns and musical offerings from our singers (accompanied by Nara Lee), a children’s moment (with friend, Nicholas), prayer and reflection, and the reading of the scripture passage based on Mark 1:14-20 from Nicole and Donald Griffin. The sermon title is “Nurturing Epiphany Moments”, and there will be a moment of sharing from Maria Schmidt. If you have been part of the St. Mark’s community for decades, or will be joining us for the first time, we look forward to connecting with you on the live stream at 10:30am this Sunday.