Reverend Otis Moss III is a third-generation civil & human rights activist, and serves as senior pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ, in Chicago. He is also an inspiring speaker and writer. Moss shared a story about his grandfather, who was a sharecropper in Georgia. In the 1940s, his grandfather tried to vote- especially to remove white supremacist, Eugene Talmadge, from office. Talmadge ran on a platform of denying African Americans the right to vote. Moss’s grandfather undertook a brave and risky trek across rural Georgia, walking 20 miles only to be illegally denied his voting rights, at multiple polling stations. He would eventually pass away without ever getting the chance to cast a ballot.
The suggested Gospel lesson for this Sunday (based on Luke 5: 1-11) will be read by Sue Sgambelluri, Like the experience of Otis Moss’s grandfather, and the first disciples that Jesus called, not all journeys are easy, and not all stories find the happy ending that we envision. However, there may also be unexpected gifts of wisdom, possibility and hope that present themselves when we least expect them. They may even shape our lives in ways we could ever imagine.
In worship, we will first gather and greet one another. All children are invited to ring us into worship. The Chancel Choir, directed by Gerry Sousa and accompanied by Ilze Akerbergs, will lead us in music. There will also be a Children’s Moment. We will pray and reflect. Jonathan Michaelsen will read our Lesson from the Prophets. The sermon title is Beloved and Called. If you are joining worship in-person or by livestream, we look forward to connect on Sunday.
To connect to our livestream worship Sunday morning, click the link on our website The service starts at 10:30am. Livestream starts at 10:25am.