If you have ever been in a boat on the north end of Lake Monroe, there’s a good chance you have seen a bald eagle’s nest high in the trees on the western shore. Eagles’ nests typically measure four to five feet in diameter and two to four feet deep. They are built largely of sticks and branches, with some softer material such as leaves, grass and corn stalks in the center, which helps provide comfort and safety for their eggs to hatch. But when the young are ready to fledge, or take their first flight, the parents will start removing some of the comfortable material from the nest, signaling that it is time to move to the next phase in life.
Eagles are mentioned prominently in the Scriptures. Psalm 91 speaks of being safely covered under the wings of God, like the shelter provided by eagles for their young. But there are also passages that speak of God’s ‘stirring’ the nest, meaning to push the young eagles so they may learn to fly, and then catching them on their wings until they learn to soar on their own. Isaiah 40, in particular, says those who are weary from exile and are also fearful of leaving its comforts shall “mount up with wings like eagles.” Those of us who are weary of the exile of COVID, injustice and political and social tension can understandably long to be sheltered under the protective wings of God. But we can also sense God calling us to leave the nests of safety to move to the next phase of our discipleship.
We’ll talk about this on Sunday, as the sermon for the morning is titled “Exodus, Exile and Eagles: Hope for the Weary and the Homesick”, arising from Isaiah 40: 21-31. The biblical text will be read by Liz McDaniel. We will have a moment for children, hymns and music by the Sanctuary Singers, accompanied by Nara Lee, and prayers. We will also celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion virtually. Have bread and cup nearby as we partake together.
Whether you are new to St. Mark’s, or have been a part of the community for years, we look forward to connecting this Sunday. Visit www.smumc.church and click on the Live Stream banner at 10:30 AM.