Sunday, February 19, 2023

Years ago, I went camping with my son to the Sierra Nevada mountains, about six hours north of Los Angeles. The website we consulted said that if one had anxiety issues, the drive up to the campsite at about 7000 feet would be sure to reveal that. The website was correct, for sure. That night, the temperature dropped below freezing, and there was a light snow falling when we got up the next morning. But there was also a cloud encompassing us, evoking a truly eerie feeling. I walked to an overlook, about 200 feet from our tent, and discovered that the cloudy fog was intermittent. There I was able to glimpse a taller snow capped mountain across the way, with clouds dancing near its top. It was, without doubt, one of the most transcendent things I have ever seen. The anxiety and the cold paled in comparison to that moment.

Have you ever had a time of mystery and even cloudy foreboding which opened into a time of clarity, wonder and change, either personally or in the larger community? The lectionary reading of the Gospel for this Sunday is the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus. In this mysteriously told story, Jesus is on a “high mountain” with several of his disciples when Elijah and Moses appear before them. Jesus’ clothes, the story says, are dazzling. At this moment in the story, a “bright cloud” appears, and from the cloud, the disciples hear a Voice from the cloud telling them to listen to Jesus. In this story, there is a moment of deep clarity and transformation.

What in the world can this story mean for contemporary folks like you and me? We’ll play with that in worship on Sunday, as the sermon is titled, “Beneath the Dark Clouds, the Passing of Light.” This sermon arises from Exodus 24: 12-18, which will be read by Mike Sonneborn, and Matthew 17: 1-9, to be read by Linda Crawford. We will sing together, pray together, and have a moment for children. The Chancel Choir, accompanied by Ilze Akerbergs, will lead us musically.

If you have been a part of the St. Mark’s community for years, or if you are just discovering us, we look forward to connecting with you on Sunday. To join the 10:30 service online, visit, and click on the Live Stream banner.