Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020

Reverend Mary Beth Morgan, preaching
Matthew 21:1-11
Choosing which Parades to Follow or Lead

What parade might you be following, or leading, in these days? That may seem an odd question, when reality for many is lots of closeness (or closed-in-ness) at “home” and distancing everywhere else. In our Christian tradition, we will be celebrating Palm Sunday this week. We recall Jesus, seated on a donkey, traveling slowly along the dusty roads with many following or joining the parade (Matthew 21:1-11). He did not choose a tall, majestic horse that would distance him from the people who were shouting “Hosanna” and placing “palms” and garments on his path. Rather, Jesus was close enough to see the faces, make eye contact, and hear the voices of those he passed. As he was entering into those last days ahead, which we name Holy Week, Jesus focused on connecting with all the people along his path.

This Sunday, we are invited to explore together (via live-stream) what this means for us as a community, nation and world. In this difficult time, we also see metaphorical parades of people who remind us of deep goodness, faith and hope. Last Sunday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo shared that soon after a call went out for help, over 76,000 retired doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals volunteered. Across the globe, more are leading and joining the essential “stay-at-home” parade. There are parades of voices of advocacy, those of encouragement and care, those delivering groceries to neighbors, and others sharing music, stories and things that warm our hearts and help us smile.

On this Palm Sunday, everyone is welcome to be part of a virtual “Palm Sunday Parade”. Everyone is invited to find, or make, something palm-like. It could be something from nature, palms drawn (or cut out from construction paper), or something else creative.  If you are willing, send a photo of you and/or others with you at home - with your “palms”- or just a picture of yourself.  We will put these pictures together in a slideshow and create a virtual parade of palms!  It will be nice to see each other’s faces.  (Please note that these will be shown, and recorded, on the live stream of the worship service on YouTube.) Please send any pictures (in jpeg format, if possible) to Mary Beth Morgan ( by noon on Friday (4/3) if you can.

We are also looking forward to a children’s moment, and are fortunate to have, in music leadership, Stephanie and Patrick Conklin who will offer the duet, “Jerusalem: The Holy City” by Charles Parry, and Heather Orvek will play piano. We look forward to worshipping together, via live stream, on Sunday!